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Titled Land

If your land is titled, now is the time to move, securing your builder early gives you more control over your home design, site position, and overall costs. You’ve found the perfect block, and you already have a vision for your new home. But will that vision become reality and what do you need to do with your titled land?

That depends on how soon you act. If neighbouring homes are already under construction, factors like overshadowing, garage placement, and council regulations could limit your options. Acting early allows you to maximise your flexibility and avoid unnecessary compromises.​

1. Build the Home You Want

Overshadowing regulations, setback requirements, and ResCode policies dictate where and how homes can be positioned. Councils also control the mix of single and double-storey homes within a neighbourhood. If your neighbours start building first, their placement could restrict your options.

Securing your builder and design early means fewer limitations on your home’s footprint, height, and orientation. You will have greater freedom to create the home you truly want.

2. Get the Façade You Love

Most land developers enforce design guidelines to maintain variety in an estate’s streetscape, limiting how many homes can have the same façade. If you delay, you may be forced to select a façade that complies with existing homes rather than choosing the one you love. This can mean settling for a design that doesn’t align with your personal style or missing out on key architectural features that enhance your home’s street appeal.

By committing early, you have the first pick of façade styles, ensuring your home’s exterior reflects your vision. You can choose a design that complements your lifestyle, integrates seamlessly with the estate’s character, and stands out for all the right reasons. Plus, securing your preferred façade early reduces the risk of costly redesigns or compromises later in the process.

3. Choose Your Garage Placement

Garage positioning can significantly impact your home’s design, and if your neighbours build first, your options may shrink.

If your land has a slope, council setbacks or neighbouring structures may require your garage to be set back from the boundary. This could potentially limit you to a single-storey home if your frontage is narrow. Getting in first ensures you have the flexibility to position your garage where it works best for your layout.

4. Lock in Pricing and Promotions

Construction costs are constantly increasing, and delaying your decision could mean paying more for the same home. By committing early, you can lock in today’s pricing and take advantage of promotional inclusions that may no longer be available once your land is titled. This not only protects you from unexpected price hikes but also ensures you get the best value for your investment.

Choosing your builder now allows you to secure premium upgrades and additional inclusions at a lower cost, helping you maximise both quality and affordability. With a set price in place, you can move forward with confidence, knowing your budget is protected as you plan your dream home.

5. Secure Your Site Start Date

The sooner you finalise your home design, the sooner you can lock in your construction start date. This helps you move in sooner.

At Senka Homes, we book your site start as soon as your home deposit is paid, with guaranteed commencement within three months of your land titling. Delaying could mean waiting months for a site start due to high demand.

Ready to Get Started?

If your land is titled, now is the time to act. Choosing your builder and finalising your design early gives you more control, better pricing, and a faster build time. This ensures your dream home comes to life just the way you imagined.

Senka Homes is here to help you navigate the process with expert guidance, fixed-price contracts, and a streamlined build experience. Let’s get you home.

For more information contact us directly to speak with one of our experts.

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